Ekkard Gerlach wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't kill on process within a vserver. kill -9 5975 within the
> vserver has no effekt. A "vserver suse1122 stop" started from the host
> doesn't work either:
> prax1:/data/suse112/dev# vserver suse1122 stop
> A timeout occured while waiting for the vserver to finish and it will
> be killed by sending a SIGKILL signal. The following process list
> might be useful for finding out the reason of this behavior:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 5975 1099 suse1122 ? D 0:00 ./docnet -x9
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vserver '/etc/vservers/suse1122' still running unexpectedly; please investigate it
> manually...
> RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address
> Is a reboot of the host the only way to cope with?
Depends on why it is stuck in kernel space. If it crashed the kernel,
then yes. If it's waiting on something that you can cancel, then doing
so would make it die.
-- Daniel Hokka ZakrissonReceived on Thu Sep 2 18:50:19 2010