I can't kill on process within a vserver. kill -9 5975 within the
vserver has no effekt. A "vserver suse1122 stop" started from the host
doesn't work either:
prax1:/data/suse112/dev# vserver suse1122 stop
A timeout occured while waiting for the vserver to finish and it will
be killed by sending a SIGKILL signal. The following process list
might be useful for finding out the reason of this behavior:
5975 1099 suse1122 ? D 0:00 ./docnet -x9
Vserver '/etc/vservers/suse1122' still running unexpectedly; please investigate it manually...
RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address
Is a reboot of the host the only way to cope with?
Received on Thu Sep 2 09:54:43 2010