From: Herbert Poetzl (
Date: Fri 02 Sep 2005 - 02:43:30 BST
On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 11:15:46PM +0200, Guenther Fuchs wrote:
> Hi there,
> on Donnerstag, 01. September 2005 at 13:55 on the list was posted:
> > I don't have an AMD machine to test this on, so have to ask.
> >
> > Are there any known problems running vservers on an AMD host?
> At my location I have changed now to am Amd64 (Athlon 4000+) which is
> running fine at kernel 2.6.12-4 with vs2.0 as yet. Load at now 2.0 GB
> RAM is very low compared to the previous Celeron 2.4 GHz with 1.0 GB
> and kernel 2.4 - but I assume this to be quite logical effect ;-)
> > Anyone have experience with loads and uptimes compared to Intel
> > chips?
> Not really as yet - but system is running fine since I changed to it a
> couple of days aggo now.
> > (I have a dual Xeon which is crashing too frequently and needs
> > to be changed, while the other single Pentiums are fine).
> How is the system crashing / what exactly is the problem? Kernel
> panics or what?
yeah, crashing systems are always interesting ...
if possible, please provide more details.
> --
> regards,
> Guenther Fuchs
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