From: Luc Dumaine (
Date: Fri 02 Sep 2005 - 13:45:26 BST
Lyn St George a écrit :
> Hallo all
> I don't have an AMD machine to test this on, so have to ask.
> Are there any known problems running vservers on an AMD
> host? Anyone have experience with loads and uptimes compared
> to Intel chips?
> (I have a dual Xeon which is crashing too frequently and needs
> to be changed, while the other single Pentiums are fine).
We use vservers on two AMD opteron production servers for a year, the
distribution of the host system is Gentoo compiled 64 bits with 2.6.X
Most of vservers are Gentoo 64 bits, some are Redhat 9 32 bits.
We didn't have any kind of problem since it when into production, the
uptime reflects this: 372 days and 342 days.
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