From: Kilian Krause (
Date: Wed 24 Nov 2004 - 10:30:57 GMT
Hi Darryl,
Am Mittwoch, den 24.11.2004, 15:10 +1030 schrieb Darryl Ross:
> Hash: SHA1
> > On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Kilian Krause wrote:
> >> > -IPROOTDEV="eth0"
> >> i cannot see this bug filed in the Debian BTS. Would you please open a
> >> bug for it so it gets fixed upstream Debian ASAP (just making sure SARGE
> >> doesn't ship with the broken package).. ;)
> >
> > Fixed upsteam ;-)
> Does that mean I don't need to file a bug report? (Just asking because
> I'm not actually signed up on the debian bug tracker or a developer).
as already pointed out reportbug is a great tool to help you. But
basically you could even just forward this mail to the BTS.
In case things get fixed upstream you should still file a bug so the
Debian Developer does know there's an *IMPORTANT* new version in
upstream and will package that rather soon than "when it's ready"..
However, if you want i can move this snipplet up to the BTS. Is there a
new source of util-vserver out already, or not yet?
-- Best regards, Kilian
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