Some minor config changes to try to improve compatibility.
Quoting Daniel Urist <>:
> I just noticed that there's a new beng kernel out for Debian Jessie; the
> new version is 4.1.42-vs2.3.8.6-beng_0.2 and previous
> is 4.1.42-vs2.3.8.6-beng_0.1. It looks like the debian changelog in the
> package is just a stub, and I can't find any information on what changed
> between versions. Since IIRC the last update to the kernel was for the
> stack clash vulnerability, I'd love to know what changed (sincerest
> apologies if there's a changelog somewhere else and I just don't know where
> to look, and thanks again for providing these kernels!).
Received on Thu Aug 3 20:27:12 2017