AW: AW: [vserver] Guest hourly/daily/... cron job parallel execution

From: Fiedler Roman <>
Date: Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 08:09:34 GMT
Message-ID: <2ECE9D9EEF1F524185270138AE232659837087@S0MSMAIL112.arc.local>

> Von: Phil Parris []
> Im running into similar issues.� Please provide the script.� One thing i thought about was to change cron source and add in a random sleep.

Here it is. I've added something like

exec [installdir]/VserverCronSerialisation --JobType daily

to e.g. cron.daily on host and removed the daily job from guest etc/crontab for those guests, that should be serialized. See header of script for info about params (how many parallel threads, time between starts).

Received on Fri Jan 18 08:09:44 2013
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