On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 07:31:09PM +0100, Roberto Puzzanghera wrote:
> Hello,
> I failed to tag my ext4 /vservers' partition and I found out
> that this is not yet supported for ext4.
hmm, what kernel/patch do you use?
it might not be working as expected as nobody I know
uses ext4 (too fragile and buggy) yet, but it should
definitely be supported/implemented in recent kernels
> As I have to decide to switch to ext3 or wait, is there any
> plan to implement this funcionality in the near future?
a good start would be to produce a test case which
goes wrong for you, so that we can look into it
> Thanks for any answer
> Roberto Puzzanghera
Received on Thu Jan 12 02:14:09 2012