When building a Debian Wheezy Guest on Linux-VServer (Kernel:
3.0.4-vs2.3.1-pre10.1, utils: 0.30.216-pre2987-1) with the debootstrap
method and trying to start the newly created vserver, one runs into the
following error:
root@vhost5:/vservers/vps50/var# vserver vps50 restart
vserver 'vps50' is not running
/usr/bin/find: "var/run": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
fakerunlevel: open("/var/run/utmp"): No such file or directory
Failed to start vserver 'vps50'
The problem is caused by a recent change of the debian people moving
/var/run/ to /run/
A 'dirty' workaround is to manually create the missing directory with:
mkdir -p /vservers/<<vserver-name>>/var/run
Issuing vserver start, before running the workaround seems to remove a
symlink from /var/run/ to /run/ which may be required by older init
scripts. This could be problematic.
It is probably better to make this path configurable to support all
possible variants.
Markus Petzsch
Received on Wed Sep 28 18:39:12 2011