Hello Daniel,
On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 01:39:29AM +0200, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> Just add --with-vrootdir=/var/lib/vservers to debian/rules
Yes, that has been my first approach, but coming from a 'normal' Debian
version this gives all sorts of warnings and error messages about files,
links and directories.
The startup-scripts are quite a few less in the Debian-version and
include FHS-compliant headers enabling other init systems to
automatically deal with them as well. Strangely when I check the
original it seems to have just the right headers while I am quite
confident I only saw 'chkconfig XX YY' stuff.
Additionally the Debian package uses debconf to treat VServers somewhat
like database data on package removal, it asks if they should stay
> > correctly. Is there any reason the Debian-enhanced debian-directory is
> > not within the util-vserver directory but instead a version that looks
> > like a dummy to me?
> How is it a dummy? It's a completely functional package, packaged the
> way it is meant to be, instead of the checkinstall-like crap that is
> the Debian package.
Don't get me wrong here. It might work perfectly well one for someone
who never used the Debian-provided package. For those who did, things get
nasty if they 'just upgrade' as it is more a 'crossgrade'. E.g. you come
from util-vserver startup script to util-vserver + vprocunhide, in my
first test vprocunhide got not automatically activated, at least not
before util-vserver (which had already been activated from the old
package). Additionally with my tests, /etc/vservers/.defaults/run.rev
got lost.
> I don't understand how the GPLv2 fits in here?
All copyright notices I found within the code stated GPLv2, I have not
seen anything about mentioning names of authors in the GPLv2. But many
of the changes have much to do with names being replaced, especially due
to the changelog being replaced.
> Why exactly doesn't the util-vserver package work for you?
Described that above. And as it initially failed I didn't do many tests
as in the thread "[vserver] is default squeeze kernel and util-vserver
ok?" Ben stated "Getting from utils-vserver-basic-debian to util-vserver
is not pleasant". Perhaps I had just let myself be scared away to easily.
-- LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart Fon: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 90 - Fax: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 91 Mail: lihas_at_lihas.de - Web: http://lihas.de Linux, Netzwerke, Consulting & Support - USt-ID: DE 227 816 626 StuttgartReceived on Sun May 22 08:32:41 2011