On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 05:50 -0400, Chuck wrote:
> i have a need to increase the kernel.maxshm. it is fine in the host. it was increased from
> 33554432 to 128000000
> however, this does not reflect within the vserver that requires it. i have stopped and
> restarted the vserver, stopped and restarted vprocunhide but nothing changes the vserver
> maxshm. it remains at 33554432.
> how can i get this to work?
I've not done it myself but, if you go to
http://www.nongnu.org/util-vserver/doc/conf/configuration.html and
search for sysctl, does that help? Good luck - John
Received on Tue Sep 21 11:17:35 2010