On 6/09/10 9:23 AM, Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 09:00:36AM +0930, Mike O'Connor wrote:
>> On 6/09/10 8:11 AM, Mike O'Connor wrote:
>>> Hi Guys
>>> I just tried to upgrade to the kernel above, the system booted well but
>>> a vserver-stat did not show any guests running.
>>> I can not be sure but I think they may have actual been running because
>>> the shutdown process did take some time like it normally does.
>>> Any ideas ?
>>> Note. I tried compiling a newer version of util-vservers but because
>>> util-vservers seems to be written to use the latest tools available it
>>> would not compile into a package.
>>> Thanks
>>> Mike
>> I have a debian lenny system which I'm compile
>> util-vserver-0.30.216-pre2913 on, the packages compile except for a
>> requirement for python-2.6 which I've overridden.
> what exaclty are you doing to compile (what packages)?
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
>> The issue is that the resulting packages do not have any of the files
>> that should be there. Here is an example of the util-server directory in
>> the debian build area
>> apps1:/usr/src/util-vserver-0.30.216-pre2913/debian# find util-vserver
>> util-vserver
>> util-vserver/DEBIAN
>> util-vserver/DEBIAN/control
>> util-vserver/DEBIAN/md5sums
>> util-vserver/usr
>> util-vserver/usr/share
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver/copyright
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver/README.gz
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver/changelog.Debian.gz
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver/NEWS.gz
>> util-vserver/usr/share/doc/util-vserver/changelog.gz
>> apps1:/usr/src/util-vserver-0.30.216-pre2913/debian# find util-vserver
>> Where as the tmp directory where all the files where initial build to
>> is full of the files.
> debian builds in /tmp ?!
Yep /usr/src/util-vserver-0.30.216-pre2913/debian/tmp has all the files,
but there not being broken up in to there package directories as show above.
>> tmp
>> tmp/var
>> tmp/var/run
> [rest zapped]
>> I can not use the prebuild debian packages at
>> http://repo.psand.net/info/ as they insist on having the files in
>> locations which break my system.
> well, what about building them the old fashioned way
> with ./configure, make, make install install-distribution?
Never done it that way and I have no idea where its going to place the
files and how I could manage them into the future. That's the reason why
packing systems where developed ;)
I'll try to use a program called checkinstall, which I've used in the
past to handle this type of packaging issue.
Thanks Herbert
Received on Mon Sep 6 01:12:39 2010