Hello, all. Has anyone gotten the Google Chrome browser to work in a
VServer? No need to spend a lot of time on this. We are prepared to go
do battle with it but, if someone else has solved it already, it would
save us the time. It looks like its default configuration insists in
writing to /dev/shm. Am I correct to assume that is a very bad idea in
a vserver guest? Thanks - John
[1538:1538:4716833642534:ERROR:/usr/local/google/b/slave/chrome-official-linux-64/build/src/base/shared_memory_posix.cc(192)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/com.google.chrome.xLMyJH failed: No such file or directory
[1538:1538:4716833642580:ERROR:/usr/local/google/b/slave/chrome-official-linux-64/build/src/base/shared_memory_posix.cc(194)] This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm. Try 'sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm' to fix.
Received on Wed Feb 24 17:20:03 2010