Really? I had no idea that Virtualbox, or any other emulator, would run
inside a vserver guest os. That is amazing. Has anyone else had any luck
doing this and remember if there are any special steps required. I would
imagine that you would have to really set a lot of capability flags that
would make everything much less secure.
On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Thomas Weber <>
> Am Dienstag, den 24.06.2008, 00:17 -0700 schrieb markandeya:
> > Dear Friends of VServer,
> > Has anyone run an emulator like VitualBox on top of a VServer host.
> It's been a couple of months when i did this and i cant remember any
> problems - at least not vserver relatet problems ;-)
> Tom
-- John AlbertsReceived on Wed Jun 25 16:36:10 2008