Tom, sorry for the delay to answer..
I was checking the script and find out this:
In my test machine, it works with $8, no $9.
$8 is the file/dir name in a long listing ls, $9 is empty (but if in
your case works fine that way, so use it :)
About --numeric-owner, I've never used it before but in this case has
no too much sense because the user that creates the backup is usually
root (other user may have no full access to all files to backup), but
it wouldn't hurt to use it anyway, I've just added it.
I apologize, my english maybe need some fine tunning too ;)
Thanks for your feedback. Tell me if I can help you with something else.
On Dec 12, 2007 5:47 PM, Tom Laermans <> wrote:
> Gustavo,
> I used it yesterday; seems there are a few problems:
> for i in `ls -l ${CONFDIR} | awk '($1 ~ /^d/) {print $9}'`; do
> echo " $i"; done
> changed $8 to $9
> and especially: you really want to use --numeric-owner for tar. :-)
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Gustavo wrote:
> > Here it is.
> >
> > On 10/23/07, *Allen Unrau* <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> > I would love to take a look at it. Please post it to the list �
> > perhaps someone else could use it as well.
> >
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- Promov� la cultura, compart� tus librosReceived on Tue Dec 18 14:09:11 2007