RE: [vserver] how to backup / migrate a vserver?

From: Allen Unrau <>
Date: Tue 23 Oct 2007 - 21:10:54 BST
Message-id: <B4EA36D3437761448FA9C3252FCC712417B3DF28@PRDCG4EXVW01-1.OSS.PRD>

I would love to take a look at it. Please post it to the list - perhaps someone else could use it as well.




From: Gustavo []
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 2:29 PM
To: Allen Unrau
Subject: Re: [vserver] how to backup / migrate a vserver?


I've made a script that does exactly that you're talking about. It makes to backups, one for the conf and another for the "filesystem" of the virtual server. If it could be useful for you I can send it.


On 10/23/07, Allen Unrau <> wrote:

Hello all


I'm looking into using vservers in order to do server replication and failover. I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find in the online docs:

1. How to do a complete backup up of a vserver from the host? Is it just a matter of backing up the /etc/vservers/<vservername> directory?
2. How to migrate a vserver to another host? Just copy /etc/vservers/<vservername> to the new host?
3. Are the list archives searchable? It would make answering questions like this a bit easier.




Allen Unrau


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- J.C.R. Licklider, the Defence Department official who commissioned the early research that led to the Net


Promov� la cultura, compart� tus libros 
Received on Tue Oct 23 21:09:31 2007
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