> is the guest aware if that address at service bind time?
Actually, the issue I was having is that the real servers behind the
HA balancers did not have proper networking set up. I needed a dummy
interface with the cloned ip address and had not discovered that step
> > Has anyone done this?
> no, why do you try to put the HA stuff into a guest?
> HA setups on the host (for guests) are known to work
> perfectly fine, including complete guest failovers
The reason is that my HA machines are not providing HA for vserver
machines. I have some real websites that I wanted load balancing and
redundancy for. I didn't want to put the HA machines on the real
machines and didn't have two extra servers to build into load
balancers. HA takes so few resources that I decided it practical to
install a couple HA guests on my existing vserver hosts. It's easy to
back them up with my other vserver backups and is working quite well
now actually.
Thank you for the reply!
Received on Fri Oct 5 15:49:13 2007