Re: [Vserver] Localhost definition problem with Postfix/Amavisd-new

From: Baltasar Cevc <>
Date: Tue 15 May 2007 - 10:09:15 BST
Message-Id: <>

HI Alejandro,

> But I can't put the mail server to work because the Postfix can't
> establish a connection to the amavisd. Because of the variety of
> components I suspect that amavisd-new, spamassassin or clamav are
> hardcoded to, so I can't use a private non-routable IP as
> localhost.
> I use exactly that setup in an vserver. Clamd can use sockets

to communicate, in amavisd-new you can set all the IP-Adresses.
The setup does not use spamd, as amavisd-new has native support
for SpamAssassin.
Try modifying your amavisd and clamd settings to reflect that,
it should definitively work.
In amavisd.conf the following variables should do

# M T A I N T E R F A C E A N D D O M A I N S
# where to forward checked mail
$forward_method = 'smtp:';
# where to submit notifications
$notify_method = 'smtp:';
# where to listen for incoming mail
$inet_socket_port = 2005;
$inet_socket_bind = '';
# allow connections from these hosts only
@inet_acl = qw( ::1 );

Hope that helps,

((( Baltasar Cevc

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