> thanks ,
> i setup the beast and have yum installed but..:
> bash-3.00# yum update
> Setting up Update Process
> Setting up repositories
> not using ftp, http[s], or file for repos, skipping - Null is not a valid
> release or hasnt been released yet
> Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: update
> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: update
> i cannot seems to make this works :)
> using vyum on the host works (this is how i setup yum on the guest. But
> inside it it fails :(
> i tried to install whitebox linux but i failed also to find how to build
> the guest so i stick with centos :)
i have some finished centos 5 images for linux vserver:
to get yum working:
edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
and replace $releasever and $basearch with hardcoded values eg
$relesevar: 5
$basearch: i386
after that yum works quite fine.
best regards
oliver werner
Vserver mailing list
Received on Sat May 12 18:19:56 2007