[Vserver] ultra frustration

From: Chuck <chuck_at_sbbsnet.net>
Date: Mon 12 Feb 2007 - 15:26:55 GMT
Message-Id: <200702121026.55682.chuck@sbbsnet.net>

why did you ever remove vserver-new? it was so SIMPLE to clone a template that
way. i cannot get this to work. i am sure it is just frustration on my part.
i go by the vserver help built in and send it this cmdline:

vserver tbfweb build --context 3911 --hostname tbfweb --interface
eth3: --initstyle plain -m
rsync --source /vservers/c64webmintmpl

and immediately it says unrecognized --source

i try some other syntax and it says --source required

what am i doing wrong???

it is a gentoo 64 host and i am cloning a centos64 template rather than take
all the time and effort to make a bz2 since the template changes somewhat for
each series of vservers that i clone from it... unfortunately i have not done
so since 2.10 version which still had vserver-new in it.

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