I know that all the documentation says that you
cannot run the nfs kernel server within a vserver and
I was wondering why and what are the issues?
I thought that I read somewhere that it would be
hard to do in a secure fashion. So I have to ask:
does that mean that if security were not an issue, it
would be doable? Would the vserver in question simply
need to have all restrictions removed (all
capabilities added?) Is there an easy way to add all
capabilities, or not remove them in the first place,
even if this involved hacking the vserver-start
If I cannot get it to work in an actual vserver,
would there be away to get it to work it in some
pseudo-vserver environment? What I mean is that, it
seems to work in a simple chrooted environment, can I
keep adding the various vserver abstractions (chbind
...) right up until the point before it no longer
works? Has anyone tried anything crazy like that? Is
there an easy way to go about debugging such a setup?
I don't have a very good understanding of what a
vserver is, does what I am asking even make sense? Is
there an effort to try and get an nfs-kernel server to
work within a vserver already on going somewhere?
Note: This is being asked from a hacking standpoint,
so warnings about it being a bad thing are welcomed as
long as they are accompanied by "but this is how you
could do it". Please do not just tell me that it
would be a bad idea.
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Received on Sat Jul 29 18:55:40 2006