Re: [Vserver] Re: Bug#378673: problem when /var/run/service is readonly inside vserver

From: Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <>
Date: Wed 19 Jul 2006 - 19:25:15 BST
Message-ID: <>

Micah Anderson wrote:
>>I don't know how to debug vserver (cause even strace halts), but simple
>>test (something like adding "echo $0" in all of init scripts) gave me
>>the following:
>>====without /var/run/mysqld ro===
>># vserver bigfoot start
>>Starting internet superserver: inetd.
>>Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
>>Starting web server: Apache2.
> I have a hard time believing that this is *all* the init scripts that
> run during startup. Maybe only those that are run during run level 2,
> but there are more run levels that happen during startup.

Not in a guest using the sysv initstyle. It will just execute
/etc/rc.d/rc <runlevel, 3 by default> inside the guest to start it up.

>>====with /var/run/mysqld ro===
>># vserver bigfoot start
>>chroot-shunlink("var/run/mysqld/"): Read-only file system
>>chroot-shunlink("var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"): Read-only file system
> Yeah, this happens because the boot-clean scripts are run on boot-up and
> they are trying to remove the .pid and the .sock file in /var/run. This
> is to be expected, is not a bug, and is most assuredly not a bug in
> util-vserver.

No, that error is from util-vserver (as indicated by the chroot-sh in
the error message. See scripts/vserver.functions:prepareInit.

Daniel Hokka Zakrisson
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