2006/5/24, Roderick A. Anderson <raanders@acm.org>:
> I've ( thanks to everyone ) got a working Linux-Vserver and one guest.
> The current issues are I can't get httpd or sshd to start in the guest.
> This system is being migrated to L-V so has sshd and apache ( two
> VirtualHosts ) running currently.
> I have modified sshd_config, httpd.conf, and ssl.conf to listen only on
> the IPs and ports the host is using and modified the guest's files to
> listen on its IPs and ports.
> The guest was build using this variation on the FC5 page.
> vserver test build -m yum --context 34 --hostname=test.example.com
> --interface test1=eth0:nn.nnn.nnn.34/25 -- -d fc5
> Yes it is a half a Class-C network. ( All incriminating values have been
> changed to protect the guilty -- me. )
> The error I'm getting is:
> Starting httpd: (99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could
> not bind to address nn.nnn.nnn.34:80
> no listening sockets available, shutting down
> Unable to open logs
> Any pointers?
Open file limits? Missing CAP_NET_BIND or some other capabilities?
Maybe a strace will be useful (should show you what is the exact
error). Does ip addr show (or ifconfig -a) on the guest show the
proper IP address?
Vserver mailing list
Received on Wed May 24 19:03:54 2006