[Vserver] FC5 fake packages

From: Guenther Fuchs <vserver_at_muh.at>
Date: Fri 28 Apr 2006 - 09:16:15 BST
Message-ID: <149305634.20060428101615@fuchs.info>

Hi there,

has anyone yet patched the vps-dev fake-package for usage with FC5?

The FC4 package produces the error:

--- snip ---
Fehler: Fehlgeschlagende Abhängigkeiten:
        udev >= 078-1 wird benötigt von (installiert) initscripts-8.31.1-1.i386
        udev >= 057-3 wird benötigt von (installiert) hal-0.5.7-3.i386
--- snap ---

Both the fakekernel and the fakepackages are available on
http://naturidentisch.de/packages/fc5-vps/ - but the dev package is
not there yet so I assuem noone has yet looked into this, am I right?

regards 'n greez,
Guenther Fuchs
(aka "muh" and "powerfox")
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