[Vserver] some questions about debian-vserver

From: alexander goeres - lieblinx.net <agoeres_at_lieblinx.net>
Date: Thu 27 Apr 2006 - 09:38:23 BST
Message-Id: <200604271038.23875.agoeres@lieblinx.net>

Hello List,
I recently found a debian kernel package (in unstable) that claims to have the
vserver-patch already included. Somwhere in the changelog the maintainers
say, it's a "vserver patch to 2.0.2-rc17".

Since I'd prefer to use well built packages, constructed by experts, instead
of my selfmade faulty kernel-packages I think about using these
vserver-kernels. But my last experience with the debian-util-vserver tools
stands strictly against it.

So I'd like to know if anyone here has already gathered experience with these
debian kernels? Do they work? Better than debian util-vserver? Are there any
flaws included beyond "normal" vservers?

If anybody has any user stories regarding these debian-vserver-kernels, could
you share your experience with them?

Thanks in advance

netzwerk- & systemadministrator
agoeres at lieblinx. net
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 69 00 46 03
     we do software
reichenberger straße 125
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