[Vserver] testme.sh error and vserver does not start

From: Laurent CARON <lcaron_at_apartia.fr>
Date: Wed 05 Apr 2006 - 08:49:03 BST
Message-ID: <4433766F.6050800@apartia.fr>


It seems something is wrong on my setup, but i dont know exactly what :$

Linux-VServer Test [V0.15] Copyright (C) 2003-2006 H.Poetzl
vcontext: execvp("grep"): No such file or directory
chcontext failed!
chbind is working.
Linux 2.6.16-vs2.1.1-rc13-vs-20060405 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 5 09:04:35
CEST 2006 i686
Ea 0.30.210 273/glibc (DSa) <v13,net>
VCI: 0002:0001 273 03000116 (TbLgnP)

It seems something is missing, broken....:$

vserver vs-master start
access("/proc/uptime"): Permission denied
/proc/uptime can not be accessed. Usually, this is caused by
procfs-security. Please read the FAQ for more details

Failed to start vserver 'vs-master'

I looked in the FAQs provided at this url, but i didn't find what causes
this problem.


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Received on Wed Apr 5 08:50:58 2006

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