From: Chuck (
Date: Mon 19 Sep 2005 - 04:32:44 BST
when using the /etc/init.d/vservers start command, it started all servers
including the template which i dont want to autostart.. Aiken told me about
mark files. I didn't have any in my /etc/vservers/guestname/apps/init
directory.. only thing in there was style
btw this is a gentoo system and the vserver host and template install were
according to the hollow how-to, and i manually cloned the guests from the
template by first using hollow's instructions to create a skeleton then doing
cp -al template/* guest
then running
find guest -type f -exec setattr --iunlink {} ';'
then i go in and edit configs. the lnkage breaking works fine it seems.
so then back to the problem, in the 2 i want autostarted, i placed a mark file
in there with the contents of a single line that said
then i put a mark file into my template with a single line
now it starts them properly
however, shutdown by /etc/init.d/vservers stop
has an instant return and the guests are still running and continue to do so.
i have to shut them down with vserver guest stop then it times out as it has
been and stops the guest. so for the heck of it i removed the mark files
completely and the init script starts all and shuts down all properly but it
includes my template.
confused... im about to put the veserver guest start commands into my local
startup file and the stop command into the local stop file
any clues why the init would return immediately and basically do nothing on
stop? after i stop them with vserver util, i run the iniot with vstatus and
it still shows that servers are running of type default.
"...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger, and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. " The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book
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