From: Matthew Nuzum (
Date: Mon 13 Oct 2003 - 03:38:57 BST
OK, I've been working on a website concept to go with the new logo.
First of all, note that the logo is going to change. (unless someone says
not to)
There are currently 6 minor variations of the same design. Note that 4b is
something between 4 and 5 and we know the text is messed up in the header.
Also, I know I spelled "copyright" and "Independent" wrong. :-D has the links to the designs as they
would be seen on a maximized browser window at 800x600. The site will be
fluid so that it expands as the browser window expands. Also note that the
text and links are for example only.
Also, I just grabbed a tag line off the freshmeat project page. There is a
rumor of an existing tag line. I'm relinquishing any responsibility for
deciding what it should be. The candidates are:
A: Independent servers simultaneously in one box
B: Multiple virtual servers on one box at full speed!
C: Run general purpose virtual servers on one box, full speed!
D: ???
Please let the list know what your opinion is. Also, send your comments
with constructive criticism to the list regarding the site designs.
Matthew Nuzum | Makers of "Elite Content Management System" | View samples of Elite CMS in action |