Date: Thu 11 Sep 2003 - 19:49:28 BST
Is this even possible?
I don't know that part of the kernel at all well enough to be able to tell,
but it would help me a lot.
For reference, my system is:
A boot CD, which works out how to get access to a master server, updates
itself from that server and pulls down a configuration file dependant on
the MAC.
That script is then used to install the relevant image(s). I'm not using
the vserver tools at all, but a set of scripts designed to pull images
from a remote system, update them, boot them, manage them etc.
Each image needs to run a syslog, but this seems to cause random problems
sometimes. Unfortunately, you need CAP_SYS_ADMIN to start a syslog, which
isn't a good idea on --secure contexts, either...
I'll try to work out a more useful set of the problems I've found.
(Oh, and in reference to a thread earlier - these machines *are* live.
Not had any problem since I last rebooted them a couple of months ago)
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