From: Brian Ipsen (
Date: Fri 06 Dec 2002 - 19:23:32 GMT
One last question - in the vserver-0.21.tar.gz package there are
somescripts included:
v_httpd, v_sshd, v_xinetd, rebootmgr etc
In RedHat it isn't so difficult to add those scripts to start automatically
at bootup - but my problem is that I don't know in which runlevels to
activate them. In "normal" init.d scripts for redhat, the syntax in the top
of the file is listed as (eg):
#! /bin/bash
# crond Start/Stop the cron clock daemon.
# chkconfig: 2345 90 60
Where it is easy to see, which levels the script should be enabled for. But
the scripts in the vserver-0.21 package are all listed as:
# chkconfig: - 56 50
No run-level specified ?? Should I assume, that 2345 are default ?