From: Lyashkov Alexey (
Date: Tue 26 Nov 2002 - 04:52:50 GMT
Hello All.
I updated patch for RH kernels.
It can downloaded from
Archive my_util.tar.gz contains program for management memory limits.
At that version implemented per VPS memory limit. Currently supported
- limit total VM memory size, without separated commit that memory
block or not. Memory limit and current state of used memory can see
in /proc/vservers/self.
In future releases i planning support 2 memory limits - total size of
virtual machines in context (soft limit) and memory committed (used) at all context processes (hard).
I also plains check network subsystem to correctly support more that
IPV4 protocol (it's need rewrite sys_set_ipv4root syscall).
I think addresses for interface must be assigned inside VPS box and
sys_set_ipv4root only need for control and limit settings.
This method assigns a context identifier to address on the network
interface for further fast VPS searching, which uses it. It's also
effective to check sockets and tcp_bind_buckets assigned to context.
-- Best regards, Lyashkov