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From: Roderick A. Anderson (raanders_at_acm.org)
Date: Fri 11 Oct 2002 - 00:40:53 BST

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Cathy Sarisky wrote:

> Rod,
> I'm a little worried by your comment that I'm "throwing rocks." If you mean I
> was criticizing, that wasn't my intent. Anyone who'd like one is welcome to a
> list of what I've got on my vservers.

No, no, no sorry.

I was thinking of my development days when I couldn't
get users to really discuss the program/application. They wanted me to
code 'SOMETHING' then sit back and say how it was wrong - throwing rocks.
After I realized they weren't being evil it was just easier for them to
have something to work with. I now use the rock throwing metaphor for
looking at what someone else has done and then ... eh rebuilding it (your
list for a minimal installation). I liked your ideas and I've never
experienced you being less than courteous and helpful on this list.

   This should teach me to try and be witty early in the morning after
less than 4 hours sleep. The mind is willing just less than capable.

Again sorry for a bit of attempted humor that went bad,

  "Open Source Software - Sometimes you get more than you paid for..."

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Generated on Wed 06 Nov 2002 - 07:03:43 GMT by hypermail 2.1.3