From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Thu 14 Feb 2002 - 08:27:14 GMT
Hi Carl,
On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 19:32, Carl Leonard wrote:
> Could we take a few steps to try and protect the email addresses
> of the list members? Just about every publically accessible web
> page will eventually get hit by the spammers running thier web bot
> address suckers. I get enough spam as it is.
well, at they just add the domain to the email
I've been a member there for a long time, and have not received spam
> Here is my suggestion for how to block virtually all of them.
> Make a front page that states that there is a password to get
> in. Put the username and password on the page. It could just
> be vservers and vservers. The bots pass on all password protected
> pages.
well, for extra security that's a good idea, but it does have the
drawback, that google no longer will index the archive - so vserver has
to maintain their own search engine. with google, you just enter the
words and add the - voila. easier for everyone.
-- Regards, Klavs Klavsen-------------| This mail has been sent to you by: |------------ Klavs Klavsen - OpenSource Consultant -
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