Total (wc -w)195
Miscounted (195-165)30

As of just a few hours ago, Edgy Eft Knot-2 has been was released for testers, which will in time become Ubuntu 6.10. It Knot 2 is the second in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Edgy development cycle, ultimately becoming Ubuntu 6.10.

While this development version of (codenamed Edgy Eft) is highly recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help participate in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs; anyone not comfortable with helping to debug such issues is advised to wait until later in the release cycle to assist.

, it Knot 2 is not meant for anyone those people who needing, or require, a stable system or anyone not comfortable running into. Testers may experience occasional, or even frequent breakage.

As well as the feature highlights on Oour main site, the post to the ubuntu-devel-announce list has all the technical details. There are instructions for downloading images from various mirrors for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu from the online mirror network.

If you're up for the challenge, Go get grab the latest cutting edge preview version of your favorite distribution and help to improve Ubuntu today!