IOError[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/pages/USplashCustomizationHowto/revisions/00000025' | Please include this information in your bug reports!: Python Python 2.4.1: /usr/bin/python Linux palmer 2.6.12 #1 SMP Mon Jan 2 16:52:14 UTC 2006 i686 MoinMoin Release 1.3.4 [Revision 1.3.4 release] Mon Jun 19 17:10:07 2006 |
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in run(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>) |
865 if self.cfg.allow_extended_names: |
866 = Page(self, pagename) |
867, count_hit=1) |
868 else: |
869 # TODO: kill this. Why disable allow extended names? |
self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, = <bound method Page.send_page of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>>, count_hit undefined |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_page(self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, msg='', **keywords={'count_hit': 1}) |
1139 pagename=self.page_name, print_mode=print_mode, |
1140 media=media, pi_refresh=pi_refresh, |
1141 allow_doubleclick=1, trail=trail, |
1142 ) |
1143 |
allow_doubleclick undefined, trail = [u'USplashCustomizationHowto', u'apt-sync', u'UbuntuDeveloperSummitParis', u'Home', u'DrinkingFromTheFirehose'] |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_title(request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, text=u'DrinkingFromTheFirehose', **keywords={'allow_doubleclick': 1, 'link': '/DrinkingFromTheFirehose?action=fullsearch&v...o%3A%22DrinkingFromTheFirehose%22&context=180', 'media': 'screen', 'msg': '', 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'pagename': u'DrinkingFromTheFirehose', 'pi_refresh': None, 'print_mode': False, 'trail': [u'USplashCustomizationHowto', u'apt-sync', u'UbuntuDeveloperSummitParis', u'Home', u'DrinkingFromTheFirehose']}) |
1225 |
1226 # now call the theming code to do the rendering |
1227 output.append(theme.header(d)) |
1228 |
1229 # emit it |
output = ['\n<body ondblclick="location.href=\'/DrinkingFromTheFirehose?action=edit\'" lang="en" dir="ltr">\n'], output.append = <built-in method append of list object>, theme = <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>, theme.header = <bound method Theme.header of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, d = {'available_actions': ['use self.request.availableActions(page)'], 'last_edit_info': {'editor': u'<span title=""><..."/MatthewPaulThomas">MatthewPaulThomas</a></span>', 'time': '2006-06-19 11:35:29'}, 'logo_string': u'Ubuntu Wiki', 'msg': '', 'navibar': ['use self.navibar(d)'], 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'page_find_page': 'FindPage', 'page_front_page': u'Home', 'page_help_contents': 'HelpContents', 'page_help_formatting': 'HelpOnFormatting', ...} |
/srv/ in header(self=<wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>, d={'available_actions': ['use self.request.availableActions(page)'], 'last_edit_info': {'editor': u'<span title=""><..."/MatthewPaulThomas">MatthewPaulThomas</a></span>', 'time': '2006-06-19 11:35:29'}, 'logo_string': u'Ubuntu Wiki', 'msg': '', 'navibar': ['use self.navibar(d)'], 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'page_find_page': 'FindPage', 'page_front_page': u'Home', 'page_help_contents': 'HelpContents', 'page_help_formatting': 'HelpOnFormatting', ...}, **kw={}) |
74 @return: page header html |
75 """ |
76 html = [ |
77 # Pre header custom html |
78 self.emit_custom_html(self.cfg.page_header1), |
html undefined, self = <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>, self.emit_custom_html = <bound method Theme.emit_custom_html of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.cfg = <wikiconfig.Config instance>, self.cfg.page_header1 = '', self.logo = <bound method Theme.logo of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.searchform = <bound method Theme.searchform of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, d = {'available_actions': ['use self.request.availableActions(page)'], 'last_edit_info': {'editor': u'<span title=""><..."/MatthewPaulThomas">MatthewPaulThomas</a></span>', 'time': '2006-06-19 11:35:29'}, 'logo_string': u'Ubuntu Wiki', 'msg': '', 'navibar': ['use self.navibar(d)'], 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'page_find_page': 'FindPage', 'page_front_page': u'Home', 'page_help_contents': 'HelpContents', 'page_help_formatting': 'HelpOnFormatting', ...}, self.username = <bound method Theme.username of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.sisternav = <bound method Theme.sisternav of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.msg = <bound method Theme.msg of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.navibar = <bound method Theme.navibar of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.trail = <bound method Theme.trail of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.extranav = <bound method Theme.extranav of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.editbar = <bound method Theme.editbar of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.cfg.page_header2 = '', self.startPage = <bound method Theme.startPage of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>>, self.title = <bound method Theme.title of <wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>> |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/theme/ in trail(self=<wikiconfig.plugin.theme.ubuntu.Theme instance>, d={'available_actions': ['use self.request.availableActions(page)'], 'last_edit_info': {'editor': u'<span title=""><..."/MatthewPaulThomas">MatthewPaulThomas</a></span>', 'time': '2006-06-19 11:35:29'}, 'logo_string': u'Ubuntu Wiki', 'msg': '', 'navibar': ['use self.navibar(d)'], 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'page_find_page': 'FindPage', 'page_front_page': u'Home', 'page_help_contents': 'HelpContents', 'page_help_formatting': 'HelpOnFormatting', ...}) |
452 for pagename in trail[:-1]: |
453 page = Page(request, pagename) |
454 title = page.split_title(request) |
455 title = self.shortenPagename(title) |
456 link = page.link_to(request, title) |
title undefined, page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, page.split_title = <bound method Page.split_title of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>>, request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance> |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in split_title(self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, force=0) |
312 return self.pi_title |
313 else: |
314 header = self.getPageHeader() |
315 if header and "#title " in header: |
316 for line in header.splitlines(): |
header undefined, self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, self.getPageHeader = <bound method Page.getPageHeader of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>> |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in getPageHeader(self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, start=0, length=None) |
1446 self.__class__.header_re = re.compile(self.__class__.header_re, re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE) |
1447 |
1448 body = self.get_raw_body() or '' |
1449 header = |
1450 if header: |
body undefined, self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, self.get_raw_body = <bound method Page.get_raw_body of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>> |
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in get_raw_body(self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>) |
752 return "" |
753 else: |
754 raise er |
755 |
756 # read file content and make sure it is closed properly |
er = <exceptions.IOError instance> |
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'data/pages/USplashCustomizationHowto/revisions/00000025'
__doc__ =
'I/O operation failed.'
__getitem__ =
<bound method IOError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.IOError instance>>
__init__ =
<bound method IOError.__init__ of <exceptions.IOError instance>>
__module__ =
__str__ =
<bound method IOError.__str__ of <exceptions.IOError instance>>
args =
(13, 'Permission denied')
errno =
filename =
strerror =
'Permission denied'