Nottingham LUG - 2002 November

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See the Piccys:

A large number of people meet in Nottingham at the Pizza Hut on the Market Square for various type of Spicy Pizza. During the eating, or much more interesting question came up:

Q: How many Pizza Hut Helium Ballons make a cucumber fly?

Lots of people spent lots of time trying this out and attempting their best to empty The restaurant's supply of branded ballons. The eventual result was 11 which was enough to make if fly off into the distance and up-up-and-away over Nottingham Council House.

After this fun, lots of people headed up to the Weatherspoons on St. James's Street to meet another circle of people who had actually managed to turn up for 8pm.

Duncan brought a penguin one of his kind relatives had knitted for him and which ended up getting its arms cross to match its eyes (it's been watching too much Microsoft and looks a bit fed-up).

Lots of people turned up, Lots of people had lots of fun and Lots of people either eat pizza, dunk beer, uuntil theSpitfire ran out, or both! Lots of topics came up that people chatted about, including out next meeting, which is going to be in Beeston, on Wednesday 4th December 2002.

See you all next time. Paul Sladen <>