Suggestions from Ed Shears/FC Marine. HMI/HM Plant were the importers. Spoke to Andy in the parts division; if it has a part number (eg. for a forklift) they can still order it. Nobody seems to have or know where the drawings/manuals any more; these are apparently still the property of HM Plant, however HM direct all marine-related queries back to EnginesPlus. So, EnginesPlus. This is the team that /were/ at HMI doing the marinising of engines, and possibly Lister before that. First call utterly unhelpful. Tried again. Second call got *Bob* who knew everything off the top of his head and was most helpful. (Bob, Hedley or Martin). EnginesPlus don't have intermediate/full Isuzu panels but could get one made. The senders all there in the engine for oil pressure, temperature, volts and the tacho reading from the alternator. They use the same 11-pin multi-connector, but the Tacho (RPM) feed is carried by bullet connectors by the side. Forgot to ask about converting the engine to 24volt. Second alternator pulley query. The designed pulley for the PTO on the front is ~200mm, four off M8 bolts at 62mm centres; these are just for fixing. Alignment is done via a central hole/sprocket which is 47mm + 0.025mm + 0mm (tolerance). This mates with the existing pulley and keeps things centred, for which there needs to be was a 3mm long spigot with 1mm of chamfer. The pulleys needs 6mm of step-off in order to clear other parts of the engine body. Finally, EnginesPlus took over as the importer for Isuzu stuff. But, they are the distributor and you need to go through a dealer to actually get stuff. MES 01895 236 246 Braunston 01788 899 041 Braunston in turn suggested their Marine engineer, Justin Justin 07903 945 196 how will have a look for pulleys when back in the workshop!